07/12 - 08/12
Ox warehouse__牛房倉庫
Macau ___ 澳門
In an era of using digital format generally
for images shooting, making and broadcasting, film seems to be a material which
is very far away from us. Some people even think it should be put into history
museum as a memorial from previous generation. One thing can be sure that today
lots of youths should never seen any pieces of work with 16mm film format.
However, another ascertainable fact is that there are a great number of artists
and film makers having still insisted to use this textured medium. Many of them
do not only have a pure preference or keep a conservative mindset about it, but
also intent to find more possibilities for the moving image creation. We are in
an age of the coexistence of film and digital imaging, hence, undoubtedly, it
makes us pondering the ultimate meaning of image should be.
Bianca Lei Sio Chong
韓國藝術家李幸俊(Hangjun Lee)親臨澳門以四部16mm放映機進行一場多重投影的表演。除了能觀看到16mm膠卷的作品之外,最重要是感受李幸俊以多重投影的拼貼和即興的現場演繹所呈現出一種擴延電影的精神。眼睛不再只是集中在單螢幕的和恒速的播放模式,而是遊走在那些重疊的、移動的和變速的眾多影像當中。作品會因每一個現場環境而有不同的變化,從而產生出一種虛擬影像和實體空間的交錯對話。今次演出同時也結合了韓淇留(Hankil Ryu)和金泰瀛(Kim Tae Young)兩位的音樂和聲音,讓我們經驗一次光影聲音的拆解和重構的實驗創作。
-- -- 李少莊
Experimental videos from Korea (EXiS) ___韓國實驗影像:
7:30pm Experimental videos from Korea (EXiS)_____韓國實驗影像 :
venue___地點 : Ox Warehouse___牛房倉庫
Festival Curator__活動策劃 : 李少莊__Bianca LEI
Korean programme curator____韓國節目策劃 : 李幸俊___Lee
Administrative coordinator___行政統籌: 張楚誠____Oscar Cheong, 黃偉文____Wyman Wong
Technical coordinator___技術統籌 :張勁龍____heong Keong Long
Graphic Design___宣傳品設計: 關瑩___Iris Kuan
sponsors___贊助:IACM, MCST;Korea Arts
management service
supported by___支持: EXiS