The scars of my city___ 我城的相痕

19' / B&W, colour / sound____19'/ 黑白&彩色 / 有聲

video & video installation____錄像和錄像裝置

Various “marks” or “effects” can be imposed upon a “photo”, resulting in transformation, destruction and distortion of the photo images.

In the process of the rapid development of the city, the “scars” of damage have been deeply seared into our living environment. Not only have the buildings of old Macao been transformed, dismantled, buried and forgotten but values have been changed, destroyed and distorted.

Except for expressing my viewpoints and feelings to the development of city, I also want to emphasize the medium of “photograph” and the material of “photographic paper” by tearing, incising, folding etc.

Old photos (comparatively traditional medium) as the starting point, I created a piece of video work, from “static” to “moving”; from the environment in “old photos” to “present” circumstances, which also means “old” to “new”.

*** This work is invited to participate the exhibition “Nostalgia Refreshed: Old Macao + New Media” in Macao Museum of Art in 2011. The exhibition themed around the scenes of old Macao seeks to interpret works by senior photographers taken in different periods of time in the form of contemporary art.


思考在城市急速發展的過程中,一道又一道的「傷痕」也刻進我們身處的環境。不僅是那些舊景物被改變、拆除、 覆蓋掩埋,進而遺忘,而是正確的價值觀被改變、破壞和扭曲。





2014 “FICH1º Festival Internacional de Cinema Chinês e Lusófono, Lisbon, Portugal;
“HKEX Asian Experimental Video Festival in Hong Kong” , Hong Kong;
2013 “Asynchronous States -AIA Asia in Independent Asia”, Taipei, Taiwan;
2012 “JETLAG” --Multimedia contemporary art in China, FCAC Video Project, Hanover, Germany;
2011 “Nostalgia Refreshed : Old Macao + New Media”, Macao;

2014 「中國葡語國家FICH國際電影節」,葡萄牙里斯本。
2013 「不同部區域/異邦──亞州獨立藝術空間連線」,台北。
2012 「時差─ 中德當代多媒體藝術展覽─FCAC Video Project」,德國漢諾威。
2011 「澳門舊景新媒睇」,藝術博物館,澳門。