painting is painting is painting is painting is painting ......___畫是畫是畫是畫是畫是……

installation (Acrylic on canvas, wood frame & metal buckle)
裝置(布本壓克力, 木框和金屬扣)
100 x 150 cm

- 2008  “23rd Asia International Art Exhibition” , in Ucity Art Museum of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Guangzhou, Mainland China.
Pre-Exhibition of “23rd Asia International Art Exhibition” , in Albergue Gallery, Macao.
“Winds of Cool: 16 Macao Contemporary Artists Summer Show”, St. Paul’s Fine Art, Macao.

- 2008 「亞洲國際美展」,於中國廣州美術學院大學城美術館。
「說風話涼Summer Show ── 十六人澳門當代藝術展」,於澳門三巴藝門。

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